The market continued to be clouded by volatilities and bad news. Major markets around the Globe continued their fall. Fed cut rate twice (.75% and .5% respectively) but failed to instill calm into the market.
Portfolio lost much ground in this month. As at 31 January, total value stands at S$528,070.98. compared with the value S$545,791.78 on 31 December 2007, the difference may seem small. That is because I injected S$68,680 to purchase(or top up) some beaten down stocks. So the portfolio value actually reduces by S$86,400.80 this month alone.
There are now 48 stocks in the portfolio. The top 30 holdings are:
1. CoscoCorp
2. ComfortDelGro
3. OCBC Bk
4. Semb Corp
5. SPH
6. Int-Roller
7. S I A
8. Food Junc
9. HG Metal
10. SPC
11. CapitaComm
12. MetroHldg
13. Raffles Edu
14. Aztech
15. F & N
16. Cambridge
17. Celestial
18. Hiap Moh
19. Hartford
20. MacqIntInfra
21. Koda
22. ChinaFlexP
23. SP AusNet
24. Babcock&Brown
25. Sing Food
26. FibreChem
27. Pacific HC
28. SAT Svcs
29. CitySpring
30. SingTel
SIA is the new comer in my portfolio. I have long wanted to own a part of this great company. The fall in share prices finally provided the opportunity.
In this month, I received S$288 of dividend, from Singtel and SFI.
The CNN Fear & Greed Index
2 hours ago